{ "name": "Paul", "version": "v0.0.2", "commands": { "version": [ "" ] }, "introductions": [ ], "goodbyes": [ ], "psychobabble": [ { "similarQuestions": [ "i need (.*)" ], "responses": [ "Why do you need %s?", "Would it really help you to get %s?", "Are you sure you need %s?" ] }, { "similarQuestions": [ "version" ], "responses": [ "Chatbot '{{.Session.Bot}}' version {{.Session.BotVersion}}, Engine {{.EngineVersion}}" ] } ], "defaultResponses": [ "And I can help how exactly?", "Please tell me more.", "Can you elaborate on that?", "I see. Please go on.", "Very interesting... ", "I see. And what does that tell you?", "How does that make you feel?", "How do you feel when you say that?" ], "quitResponses": [ "goodbye", "bye", "quit", "exit" ], "relectedWords": { "am": "are", "was": "were", "i": "you", "i'd": "you would", "i've": "you have", "i'll": "you will", "my": "your", "are": "am", "you've": "I have", "you'll": "I will", "your": "my", "yours": "mine", "you": "me", "me": "you" } }